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Perfect Toys For Your Baby
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You never knew how hard it would be to have a child until they hit around 6-9 months old. At this point, they are beginning to stand, grab things, and become very “talkative.” This is around the time that your child will become much more dexterous. They will begin to grab things, slam them together, rattle them, drop them, or stack them. Watch out for your mobile baby, they will be all over the place! Help them learn with a personalized puzzle stool from Tim’s Unique Products.
Before your child hits the year mark there are certain toys that will be fantastic for them to have. Books are always an amazing learning “toy” for your children. Your child will develop verbal skills when you read to them on a regular basis. Even turning the pages will be fun for your little one.
Activity boards are fantastic for your little one. Babies love bright colors and blocks that move. A personalized puzzle stool doubles as an activity for your child. Hand-eye coordination will develop. Also, they will develop their sensory organs by grabbing, and playing with the brightly colored letters of the personalized puzzle board. Be aware, this is the time your baby will really enjoy dropping and smacking the letters together. Play along, you might have some fun as well!
Blocks are one of the most underrated toys that you can give to your child. Children who are close to a year old will love to stack blocks, smash them together, and knock over their block stacks. The personalized puzzle stool from Tim’s Unique Products is perfect for your little ones. Let them stack the letters of their names, throw them onto the floor, and bash them together. Teach your baby where the wooden letters are suppose to go and let them have a go at it!
The quality craftsmanship of our personalized puzzle stools will allow your child to be quite hard on these stools without ruining them. Go ahead, let them play with their stool as much as they would like!