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Help Your Child to Wash Their Hands With Our Kid's Step Stools
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Places like Chuck E Cheese, McDonald's Playhouse or even just your child's own preschool can all be a nightmare for parents. That is because there are so many children around wiping their noses, coughing and sneezing. With all of those germs running rampant, it can be so difficult to keep your child from getting sick. You can give your child plenty of Airborne and Emergen C, but neither will work if your child doesn't wash their hands. That is why a kid's step stool is an important thing to have in anyone's home.
Germs are a big part of life, and yes, they can help to build a strong immune system, but they can also make your child sick. That is exactly why it is a good idea to teach your child to wash their hands often. Many parents believe that hand sanitizers will be able to replace regular hand washing, but the truth is that nothing can really compare to good old fashioned soap and water. Although, according to WebMD, hand sanitizers do make a great additional tool when soap and water aren't around.
The world has a great deal of dangerous germs that can quickly make a small child sick, and the best way to fight those germs is by teaching them how to wash their hands. Our puzzle stools help to give your child the boost that they need to reach the sink and wash thoroughly. Now that you know how important hand washing is, please stay tuned for our next blog where we will give you tips on how to teach your child to wash properly.